1. Establishment of a comprehensive statistical databank of the Province's medical university in order to better manage and integrate the information  structure at the university and affiliated units to improve the process of collecting, transferring and using statistics and information.
2. Implementation of the plan of optimizing the flow of statistics and information and extracting the statistical and information items of the deputies.
3. Responding to requests for statistics by university authorities, the respective Ministry, The Management and Planning Organization of Iran, the Governorate, and other organizations.
4. Promotion of statistical culture.
5. Empowering personnel involved in the cycle of statistics collection.
6. Activation of statistics communicators.
7. Increasing the accuracy and precision of statistical information.
8. Publication of statistical information in journals, on the site, etc.
9. Doing research in the field of statistical data management.
10. Compilation of statistics and information on hospital activities in all hospitals affiliated to the Province's medical university..
11. Summarize the statistics and information of the outpatients referring to the health centers affiliated to the university.
12. Designing, coordinating, directing, implementing, and supervising the activities of the supervised units according to the policy of the university.
13. Supervising the various work teams of statistics and information collection
14. Monitoring how statistics and information are collected
15. Regular monitoring of the timely receipt of information and statistics
16. Supervision of the preparation and review of codified periodical reports containing work progress and analysis of changes, and time changes
17. Technical supervision and review and assistance in the preparation of information forms and questionnaires and surveys
18. Supervision of respective units with respect to the implementation of statistical plans for health, medical, educational and research
20. Provide substantive and subject reports in relation to the information collected and their reflection to the relevant units for the purpose of using and preparing future plans and eliminating existing deficiencies.
21. Study of the theoretical and practical developments and developments of statistical systems as well as study and research on the practical and technical progress of data transmission
Supervision and supervision of the selection, implementation and maintenance of hardware systems and software packages according to the needs of the university.
23. Monitor the activities of designers, analysts of network experts and databases in order to facilitate the use of the desired systems.
24. Study and evaluate the progress made in the field of information technology and hardware and software technology in order to improve the level of academic performance and academic performance of the university.
25. Review and approval of the requests from the technical point of view and in accordance with the plans and requirements
26. Establishing communication and coordination with other IT centers inside and outside the university (the authorities of the respective ministry, the governorate, the telecommunications, and other respective provincial organizations)
27. Conduction of strategic studies on comprehensive provincial information technology in the health sector
28. Analysis, designing, and implementation of a comprehensive provincial information technology network in the health sector
29. Development and optimization of the existing network and creation of the necessary facilities for establishing communicating with extra-scholastic networks
30. Supervision of systematic, management, and economics studies conducted on management issues at various levels of the university and presentation of advisory comments to the higher ranked authority.
31. Supervision of the studies conducted in the health centers affiliated to the university regarding health management and economics
32. Monitoring and evaluation of the activities of the staff of the respective units
33. Monitoring of the correct training the staff of the respective units to enhance their expertise and efficiency.
34. To forecast the requirements of the organizational unit in terms of human resources, equipment, and facilities.
Postal Address: Deputy of Research and Technology, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Kashani Blvd., Shahrekord, Iran
Tel: +98-38-33349509
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