Research Priorities
Environmental Health Research Priorities:
  • New methods of water treatment and removal of pollutants
  • Monitoring the risk factors and carcinogens agent of water
  • New methods of wastewater treatment and removal of hazardous pollutants
  • New methods of industrial wastewater treatment
  • Environmental epidemiology and identification of environmental factors and burden of related diseases
  • Air pollution (gases and particles), determining the health effects and burden of diseases and the associated deaths
  • Environmental factors and biomarkers and their relationship to people's health
  • Monitoring natural radioactivity and ways to reduce and control it
  • Modeling of pollutants in the environment and their effects on health
  • Zoning of environmental factors and their burden of pathogenicity
  • Health measures during the epidemics of environmental pollution
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Last Update 07/01/2023
Postal Address: Deputy of Research and Technology, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Kashani Blvd., Shahrekord, Iran
Tel: +98-38-33349509
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